How Site Speed affects SEO

In the ranking of websites search engines take into account hundreds of factors. Here the role played by the resource content – text and headlines – and the very authenticity of the site. A few years ago Google announced one more successful ranking condition, namely the speed of loading pages resource.
Unfortunately, so far it is not known what the optimal download speed, and how much it affects the ranking. Excitement site administrators intensified after reports that slow cell sites will receive low position on search queries. It is important to remember that bad download site primarily negatively affect the user experience of it, which would entail a lower visibility in search results, and hence to lower positions.

As speed affects ranking

The performance server and site infrastructure are key factors that determine the speed of the download site. According to many studies, the rate strongly influences the ranking. A possible reason for this is the fact that Google and other search engines can easily capture these metrics. Improving the visibility of the site for users with speed, so much depends on the quality and capabilities of specific servers. That’s why you need to choose that hosting provider who can provide an excellent resource to your speed content download.

Below are details of a study conducted by Matt Peters, a specialist in data processing Moz, with Zoompf, a firm engaged in auditing sites:

• Principles. The team compiled a list of 2000 random search terms and provided 50 most common searches for each of them. Given a list of 100,000 pages for the study, research team proceeded to the second stage of analysis, namely to launch EC2 instances 30, under the clouds, located in Northern Virginia. Each contained a similar instruments open source (WebPageTest), who worked with the same web browser used by the greatest number of users. In order to collect more than 40 performance metrics, the study was enacted browser Chrome.

• The page load time. This term includes two different rate – a ‘fully rendered’ ( «full treatment”) or a ‘document complete’ ( «full load documents”). Index ‘document complete’ is responsible for the time it takes to download the site for the user to start printing or to call the elements of the page – even if the content is not reflected fully. Time ‘fully rendered’ – a full download of all documents, including images, ads and analytics trackers. Experts from Google did not give a clear definition of the ideal page load time, as the study examined the effects of each of the above parameters. As a result, it was found that none of them affects the rankings.
• The time until the first byte. Due to the fact that the preliminary stage of the investigation did not reveal ranking depending on the time the page loads, experts have decided to test the time until the first byte (TTFB). This figure corresponds in the time it takes the browser for the first byte of the respective server at the request of a particular site. In fact, this is the time it takes processing and generation information server.

• Page Size. When the page size refers to the total number of bytes downloaded for complete processing of the page. This information includes advertising, images, fonts and third-party widgets. After processing all of the data in a graph, the team discovered interdependence reducing page sizes and positions of those pages to rank. In this regard, the researchers brought the assumption that resources that have low positions on search results pages, belonging to small businesses with little resources can not provide a lot of site content, complex both in structure and content. Conversely, the more interesting became the site for its content, the higher rose his position in the ranking.

• Conclusions. Lack depending on ranking page load times can be used as a generalized and to niche search. Researchers have not received substantial evidence that the page hruzyaschiesya quickly getting higher positions in search results pages than those whose time was longer to download. It can be concluded that even if this figure somehow affect the ranking, it is lost in a sea of ​​other more important factors.
However, we all noticed the connection between TTFB and high ranking. Sites that are on good servers, and have quality back-end infrastructure that can efficiently transmit content received higher positions on search results pages. Thus, it was different back-end operations directly affect the ranking, as search engines Google can easily fix these indicators. Maybe that will play a role here and the time spent on processing the page because it is closely linked with the user and its interaction with a resource.
TTFB is a very useful and important metrics to calculate performance site because it is highly dependent on the workload of the server speed content generation back-end website and network latency between the server and the visitor.

Back Andy include network connections, networking, content distribution, web servers, and database servers and applications. Administrators website can improve rankings by optimizing application code and database queries using their work online content distribution and efficient servers. The most popular today is VPS and dedicated servers – it seems webmasters starting to realize how important the site speed for recognition of the brand and the convenience of the users of the resource.
Fast loading extremely necessary sites whose visitors often click on its various elements and buy some goods. They need to resource was convenient, simple and harmonious, so they can move from page to page, leave a link to your site on social networks and talk about it to your friends. All these factors positively influence the ranking.

There are hundreds of factors that affect resource visibility in search engines, and some of them are as follows:

• Keyword occupies the first position in the domain name. Website address, starting with targeted keywords are more benefits than those in which the keywords appear in the middle or end of the domain name.
• The deadline for registration domain. Typically, legitimate domains register and pay every few years, while doorway (doorway domains) are less than one year.
• Clear match domains with keywords. A clear match a domain name with key phrases is a great asset for the quality of the site.
• The previous fines and sanctions site. Previously Google or other search engines determine your life as a poor site or site-offender, he may be a problem with the continued growth and optimization.
• Country Code. Domains that contain the country code, getting higher positions in search results pages in their country.
• duplicate content. Content that appears on the same site several times a negative impact on rankings and could trigger fines and penalties from the search engines.
• Constant updates. Google and other search engines give the most preferred sites are updated daily or frequently. Pack size also plays a role.
• Quality outbound links. Content that refers to authoritative sites inspiring more trust search engines

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